Requests for Visitors

In order to make sure everyone can enjoy Hitachi Seaside Park safely, the park is taking measures to stop the spread of COVID-19. Please follow the rules below to during your visit.

  • Please check the temperature before coming to the park. Please refrain from coming to the park if you have a fever (over 37.5) or if you are not feeling well.
  • In the park, in order to reduce infection risk on others, please cooperate with the “cough” etiquette, including wearing a mask. Be aware of heat stroke while wearing a mask.
  • Physical distance! Leave space between yourself and other visitors while walking round the park.
  • Wash your hands regularly and use the hand sanitiser available inside park buildings.
  • Please refrain from coming to the park from prefectures where a state of emergency has been declared in accordance with Ibaraki Prefecture’s policy.