Park Rules & Forbidden Items

Park Rules

Please follow the rules below while visiting the park.

  • Use the park facilities and equipment carefully.
  • Picking plants and catching animals within the park is prohibited.
  • All kinds of fire including fireworks and bonfires are forbidden within the park.
  • Do not enter areas marked with Keep Out notices. Do not enter gardens surrounded by fences or railings.
  • Please take your waste home. Think of the environment and reduce your waste!
  • Smoking is permitted only in designated areas equipped with ashtrays.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Visitors with pets in the park are requested to use a leash at all times. Pick up and dispose of any animal droppings.
  • Cycle paths are for bikes only. Do not walk on the cycling paths. Do not use bikes outside of desginated cycling paths.
  • Please be considerate towards other visitors.
  • Advance permission is required for using the park for competitions, meetings, exhibitions, surveys, fundraising activities and filming or photography for commerical purposes. Contact the Park Administrative Office to obtain advance permission for the above activities.
  • Using drones in the park is not allowed. Please refer to the Forbidden Items leaflet for information on other items.
  • Follow any instructions given by park staff.

Forbidden Items


(including J-boards, brave boards, sole skates etc.)


(including roller blades)

wheelies, rollerblades
kick boards
non-standard bikes including unicycles

(including one wheel bikes)

Powered mobility aids

Motorized bicycles with pedals, electric kickboards, electric two,three and four wheeled vehicles, electric motorcycles, etc.

Carts with three or four wheels that can reach speeds exceeding 7km/h are not permitted for use.
*Excludes electric assist bicycles and electric wheelchairs.

gardening tools
sticks, poles, pipes
radio controllers

Wireless remote controlled models : cars, helicopters, drones etc.

sports bats

(except plastic bats)

water rocket
large tents

(4 persons or more)

beach umbrellas a sharp point
karaoke machines, speakers, loudspeakers, musical instruments with amplifiers
guns, swords

(including model guns and wooden or bamboo swords)

bows and arrows
pogo sticks
Slack Line
nets for ball games
hard sports balls

Baseball (hardball/softball), Tennis (hardball) 

Golf equipment
musical instruments with amplifiers
glass bottles

(except for the seasonings from outside brought in by the BBQ Plaza users)


(except plastic sleighs)

fishing rods
fuels such as gas, and portable gas cylinders

(except portable gas cylinders for use in the BBQ Area)


  • Bikes without pedals (such as LIKEaBIKE and STRIDER) should be used only with parental supervision. Do not use bikes without pedals on cycle paths or BMX courses.
  • Nordic walking poles (stocks) can be used throughout the park.
  • For information on bringing your own bike into the park please refer to Article 15 on Cycling.
  • For safety reasons, items not on the list may also be forbidden. If you have any questions, please ask a member of staff.

Visitors with Pets

Please follow the rules below while visiting the park to avoid causing an inconvenience to other park users.

  • Dogs and other pets should be kept on a lead no longer than 2m in length. During periods when the park is crowded, leads should be adjusted to less than 1m long. Adjustable leads must be kept on the ‘lock’ setting.
  • Visitors with pets are responsible for clearing up after their pets. Please keep the park environment clean and hygienic.
  • Pets cannot ride the Seaside Train or any of the rides in the Pleasure Garden Amusement Park.
  • Pet owners are responsible for any incidents involving barking at, jumping on or biting other park visitors.
  • Cycling with pets, having pets run alongside your bike, or cycling with pets in the bicycle basket is forbidden.


Flowers bring happiness and joy to many people. At Hitachi Seaside Park, we would like to share this happiness with as many people as possible, and to create a safe and fun environment for all our visitors.
We therefore make the following requests to visitors:

If you agree with us and want to protect and share the beauty of Hitachi Seaside Park with more people, post your park pictures on social media and tag us!